Auto Accident

Auto Accident

Health (Pain, Function) Related.

Auto accidents can cause headaches, neck and back pains, or muscle stiffness. These effects may appear between 24 and 48 hours after the accident. Even the most minor auto accidents can cause injurys that may have lingering symptoms. It is important that you do not ignore any symptoms and seek medical care immediately. We will provide comprehensive and non-invasive treatment in order to reduce pain and to recover full functionality of your body. (If you are seriously injured, get immediate first aid.)


Whiplash is referred to as discomfort caused by a sudden jerking of the neck. Any activity that rapidly forces the neck and head beyond the normal range of motion is likely to result in this condition, including experiencing an auto accident, a sports injury, even being jostled walking through a large crowd.

Legal, Insurance Related.

When you involved an auto accident, the legal issues become much more complicated than treatment.  We will work closely with your insurance company to minimize your stress and to focus on recovery. Also we will prepare detailed and complete medical record, including the degree of pain each day and progressive. Even we prepare good records and have a good communication with insurance company, you still need below things;
  • Relevant documents and information
              -  Location: If applicable, include stop signs and traffic lights.
              -  Your recent photos taken before being injured.
  • Forms of communication with all relevant medical professionals providing care like us.
              - The medical receipt, prescription receipt
              - Travel cost records for medical appointments.
              - Accurate documentation of income lost due to injury

  • If you are overwhelmed by the entire process of a claim, think about hiring a personal injury lawyer to represent you. Attorneys understand the laws and the personal injury claims process and can use their experience to get the best outcome for your claim. A good lawyer can even help you further when it comes to documenting personal injury expenses. This way you can focus on healing, rather than negotiating. 
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